Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Where are you??

   I am siting here thinking am I am raising my boys like I should be? What can I do that would be a great influence and them? How I think I am not a good enough mom. I offend think have I have raised them up right at the age they are? Also I think what can I do to change or improve how I am raising them. I offend think I am going to do this or do that then fall short.
   I came to realize as I talk with some wonderful fiends and follow there blogs,  that I am lacking that close relationship with God. Then the question pops in my head, "how do you get that relationship that I want so bad"? I look at others and I think they have so much knowledge and are walking such a awesome spiritual walk with God. I think, God that is what I want, what I need and what my children need. I am saved and I have been baptism. I am not questioning my salvation, but I am questioning my relationship w God. I know all the things I need to know to be a Christian, but I have not been feeding my soul the word. I know that if we are not studying the word that, we are not growing with the Lord. I am going to challenge myself to read, learn and follow his word. Belonging to God is a wonderful feelings and I am craving to know even more. So I am going to focus on that. So as I come to a closing do you know God, do you want to get that relationship and grow with God?  If you do please read the scriptures below I pray this touches your heart.

    If you are questions your salvation or if you are not sure I ask you to read the following scriptures and know he loves you. Romans 3: 10 There is no righteous one. No one is perfect we all are sinners. Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and came short the glory of God, which means everyone has sins, all of us. It means I'm a sinner and your sinner right?? Yes it means we ALL are sinners.Romans 6; 23 For all the wages of sin is death, but the gift of the God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. The scriptures says the price for sin is DEATH, total separation from God. But wait it gets better good news for you, me and anybody that will except him. Romans 5;8 But God Committed his love for us, that while we was still sinners, Christ died for us.God has a plan for us to save us from the burning hell. His plan is, he sent his only son to die on the cross for our sins. He has paid for our sins, he did that so we could have eternal life in Heaven with God. Romans 10;9 That if you shall confess with your mouth the lord Jesus and you shall believe in your heart that god had raised him from the dead, the you shall be saved.That verse is saying that he lived a perfect live, died on the cross for our sins and arose form the dead. The rest of the verse says if you admit who Jesus is and believe that God rose him from the dead and he is alive, Then you shall be saved. Romans 10;13 For whosoever call upon the name of the lord shall be saved. Does this me you??

   So as you have read my post and I am hoping it moved you. Like I said above, I am not perfect and I struggle with what I do wrong daily. I am saying if you believe you are a sinner, that you deserve to go to hell, but you know Jesus died on the crosss for our sins, Then what is stopping you from growing with him like I am?? Yes, I have said above that I feel like I have drifted away, but I am now paddleing my way back!!!

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